Restore Purchases

The Restore Purchases feature allows you to retrieve your purchased levels and lessons from inside the iOS (iPad and iPhone) or Android app.

There are several situations where you use Restore Purchases:

  • After you have uninstalled and reinstalled the app on your device and need to retrieve your purchased levels and lessons.
  • After you first install the app on a different device that uses the same Apple or Google ID.
  • After you have redeemed a promo code in the app store and need to retrieve the purchase inside the app.

Restore Purchases communicates with the app store and retrieves a record of the Ultimate Phonics purchases for the Apple or Google ID that is logged into the app store on your device. The app then recognizes your ownership and allows you to download and install your levels and lessons.

How to use Restore Purchases

1) In the Ultimate Phonics app, tap Menu.

Ultimate Phonics Menu icon

2) In the Levels section of Menu, tap Manage Levels.

Ultimate Phonics Manage Levels

3) In Manage Levels, tap Restore Purchases.

Ultimate Phonics Restore Purchases

4) When you see the "Purchases found!" message, tap OK. All your levels will now be installed.

Ultimate Phonics Restore Purchases found

5) You will now see that you own 12 levels of 12 in the Menu Levels section.

Ultimate Phonics all levels owned